FY 2020 Education Stabilization Fund – Reimagine Workforce Preparation (ESF-RWP) Grants Program Credential Interoperability Webinar
Last Updated: July 2020
The Office of Educational Technology will host the Education Stabilization Fund – Reimagine Workforce Preparation Grants (ESF-RWP) Credential Interoperability pre-application webinar for prospective applicants July 16th, 2020. This webinar is an opportunity for eligible applicants interested in applying for an ESF-RWP grant to hear the Department discuss one of the critical elements associated with the grant competition – making information on all credentials achieved as a result of funding under this program publicly accessible through the use of linked open data formats that support full transparency and interoperability. The pre-application webinar will also include opportunities for participants to ask questions. Following the webinar, the presentation slide deck, recording and webinar transcript will be posted to this website. The ESF-RWP grants funding opportunity is offered under section 18001(a)(3) of Division B of the CARES Act.
A recording of the event can be found here.
Click the following to view the Notice Inviting Applications (NIA) for the FY 2020 Education Stabilization Fund-Reimagine Workforce Preparation (ESF-RWP) Grants Program